в угоду алисомании, царящей в избранном =)

сайт — [тыц!] — с примерами работ очень многих художников, когда либо иллюстрировавших «Алису в Стране Чудес»

Hundereds of artists have illustrated Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass since the late 1800's. I have compiled my entire Alice book collection so far here. Some of these images come from two wonderful editions compiled by Cooper Edens: Alice's Adventures...The Ultimate Illustrated Edition, Bantam Books, 1989 and Alice's Adventures... A Classic Illustrated Edition, Chronicle Books, 2000.
For each artist, I have chosen two of my favorite images to show (there are a few for which I only have one image). Click the artist's name to see his or her illustrations. Bibliographical information is written under each image.

@темы: на правах рекламы

16.05.2008 в 11:00

Если Вы чего-то не понимаете, позвоните мне - и нас станет двое
16.05.2008 в 11:15

My loyalties are with science
да-да, я сейчас тоже его нашла )

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